Wednesday, March 27, 2019

MU 3-27-2019

  1. Yi: +19.95
  2. Attempting to bottom out: TLRD
  3. Average oversold: $UST30Y
  4. Moderately oversold: AQUA, BAC, BMY, BWA, HAS, JPM, LM, MAN, MET, MGA, TILE
  5. Trying to hold rising trend line support: BABA, FEU, NOV
  6. Attempting to hold the 65 DMA: BRKS, FL, FLR, GS, HPE, IYG, KLIC, MAT, NCR, PRU, TKR
  7. Attempting to hold the 28 DMA: AMAT, FNDF, GF, IJR, IQV, JCP, JNJ, MJ, MRVL, NOW, NS, SCHB
  8. Moderately overbought: BBBY, LEN, MTH, NUGT, PPC, SIL, TAP
  9. Average overbought: DRI
  10. Toppy: DRI
  11. A break out either way on the way: ALL and HMC
  12. Anything posted may be off base.

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