Friday, February 29, 2008

T.A. based on the close of Feb. 28, 2008.

  1. My apologies for the late posting of today's work.
  2. YI: -1
  3. Trying to bottom out: SOLF
  4. Moderately oversold: PEG and WSO
  5. Trying to hold some rising trend line support: JCP, OKE, PHI, VFC, and WOR
  6. Attempting to hold the 28 DMA: CPB
  7. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: IFN
  8. Attempting to break above the 28 DMA: PLT
  9. Up against rising trend line resistance: The IIX index.
  10. Moderately overbought: NOK and RYL
  11. Standard overbought: AAUK, CAT, GGB, MEOH, and TSU
  12. Toppy: ACH
  13. Going parabolic: AEM
  14. Anything here may be off base.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

(GG) is looking "toppy" in this area as it goes "parabolic".

T.A. based on the close of Feb. 27, 2008.

  1. YI: 0 (And as we can see once again, the YI zero line has provided an area of resistance in another rally attempt.)
  2. Trying to hold some rising trend line support: EBAY
  3. Now trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: AAPL, AMD, HON, PTR, and UGP
  4. Attempting to break above the 28 DMA here: NST, PG, RNR, SGP, SHI, UN, and WB
  5. Up against rising trend line resistance: ASA, ERF, OXY, SNA, TCK, and WSO
  6. Moderately overbought now: BGF, the DJ-30, EWU, FXC, GF, HMC, KO, NSC, SNE, and the VXO
  7. Standard overbought: BHP, PLL, and WHR
  8. Extremely overbought now: GG and PDS
  9. Toppy here: PLL and the XOI index.
  10. Going parabolic: (usually a bearish sign) GG and XSLV
  11. A break out in either direction is on the way for: PEP
  12. Anything here may be off base.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

T.A. for the close of Feb. 26, 2008.

  1. YI: 0
  2. Trying to bottom out in this area: C and SVU
  3. Moderately oversold now: BPOP and NAT
  4. Trying to hold some rising trend line support: PAYX and XPLT
  5. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: BAC, CBK, EWJ, EXP, IWM, LEN, MSCC, PBY, QQQQ, RT, and SEE
  6. Attempting to break above the 28 DMA here: JNJ, KEY, MMC, MPG, RT, WY, and XLU
  7. Up against rising trend line resistance: JCP
  8. Moderately overbought now: LOW, MER, OKE, TCK, TOT, and YUM
  9. Standard overbought: IBM and QCOM
  10. Extremely overbought: AA
  11. Anything here may be off base.

Monday, February 25, 2008

T.A. based on the close of Feb. 25, 2008.

  1. YI: -1
  2. Trying to bottom out in this area: AAPL and GM
  3. Extremely oversold: STMP
  4. Moderately oversold now: IFN
  5. Trying to hold some rising trend line support here: AAUK, AEM, BHP, FCX, NYB, and TKR
  6. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: KO, OXY, and the S&P-500.
  7. Now up against rising trend line resistance: GIS
  8. Toppy here: XSLV
  9. A break out in either direction is on the way for: QQQQ
  10. Anything here could be off base.

T.A. analysis for the close of Feb. 22, 2008.

  1. YI: -2
  2. Extremely oversold: SOLF
  3. Standard oversold: BMY
  4. Moderately oversold now:  ARM, CY, GE, GM, and IYM
  5. Trying to hold some rising trend line support: SYY, VFC, and WSO
  6. Trying to hold horizontal trend line support: PLT
  7. Trying to hold falling trend line support: AAPL, C, IDA, and NST
  8. Attempting to hold the 28 DMA here: AVP, BAC, SEE, and XMSR
  9. Moderately overbought now: MEOH
  10. Standard overbought: ACH and GG
  11. Toppy here: GGB and UGP
  12. A break out in either direction is on the way for: The IIX index and SGP
  13. Anything here may be off base.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Gold is looking a bit "toppy" at this level.

Technical analysis for the close of Feb. 21, 2008.

  1. YI:  -2.5
  2. Trying to bottom out in this area: EBAY
  3. Standard oversold: TTH
  4. Moderately oversold now: MSCC
  5. Trying to hold some rising trend line support: BA, NLY, OKE, and RT
  6. Trying to hold falling trend line support: UN
  7. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: AIG, LEN, NSM, and TCK
  8. Attempting to break above the 28 DMA here: AMD and OGE
  9. Up against rising trend line resistance: JCP and PDS
  10. Moderately overbought now: ABX, CMI, EXP, GFI, RGLD, SUN, and TICC
  11. Standard overbought: FCX, PCU, RIO, UGP, and WOR
  12. Extremely overbought now: AEM and XSLV
  13. A possible top may be here for: AA, CLF, and T2118
  14. Toppy now: GLD and IYM
  15. A break out in either direction is on the way for: ALEX, the DJ-30, MOT, and SVU
  16. Anything here could be off base.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

T.A. based on the close of Feb. 20, 2008.

  1. YI: -1.5
  2. Trying to bottom out in this area: FBR, GOOG, and NSM
  3. Standard oversold: IDA
  4. Moderately oversold now: FXC, GPC, KEY, and LOW
  5. Trying to hold some rising trend line support: EWU, IWM, PEG, PG, RMBS, SHI, and SOLF
  6. Trying to hold falling trend line support: T
  7. Attempting to hold the 28 DMA here: NSC and PHI
  8. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: GGB, IBM, JNJ, and UGP
  9. Moderately overbought now: ACAS and the XOI index.
  10. Standard overbought: ASA and LUFK
  11. Anything here could be off base.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Based on EOD Feb. 19, 2008.

  1. YI: -2
  2. Moderately oversold now: The BKX index and HON
  3. Trying to hold some rising trend line support: GE, GT, NWL, WY, and XMSR
  4. Attempting to hold the 28 DMA here: BPOP, MDC, PBY, TSU, and WSO
  5. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: BHP, EWI, EWJ, FCX, GF, GFI, HMC, NST, and PTR
  6. Attempting to break above the 28 DMA here: EWU, IFN, SHI, SNE, and TOT
  7. Up against rising trend line resistance: AAUK, IYM, and NX
  8. Moderately overbought now:" EEM, GIS, KFT, OKE, and UGP
  9. Toppy here: AA and ERF
  10. Probable top here for: XPLT
  11. A break out in either direction is on the way for: IDU
  12. Anything here could be off base.

Monday, February 18, 2008

(OXY) seems a wee bit "toppy" here.

T.A. opinions based on the close of Feb. 15, 2008.

  1. YI: -2
  2. Trying to bottom out in this area are: C, MER, NST, OCR, and XLF
  3. Standard oversold at this point: UN
  4. Moderately oversold now: OGE and WB
  5. Trying to hold some rising trend line support: AMD, ELY, IDU, MFE, MSCC, NOK, RGLD, RIO, TSU, WHR, XLU, and XSLV
  6. Trying to hold falling trend line support: DVY, KO, and LOW
  7. Attempting to hold the 28 DMA here: JWN, LEN, MCD, NYB, and STX
  8. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: QCOM
  9. Attempting to break above the 28 DMA here: HMC
  10. Up against rising trend line resistance: PTR
  11. Moderately overbought now: ACH
  12. Standard overbought: FRO
  13. Toppy here: OXY
  14. A break out in either direction is on the way for: XLU
  15. And as is always the case, anything posted here may be off base.

Friday, February 15, 2008

For the close of Feb. 14, 2008

  1. YI: -2.5
  2. Standard oversold: IRF
  3. Moderately oversold: FXY
  4. Trying to hold some rising trend line support: ARM, MDC, and the VXO
  5. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: ACAS, ACH, the DJ-30, ENER, ERF, GOOG, and IDA
  6. Attempting to break above the 28 DMA here: ADP, AMTD, CY, the DJ-30, EWD, GE, the IIX index, PAYX, PEG, ROK, SOLF, TTH, and X
  7. Up against rising trend line resistance: OXY
  8. Moderately overbought now: ASA, BA, BHP, CAT, ENER, ERF, GLW, GT, OXY, PCU, RMBS, T, TKR, TSM, WIRE, WOR, and WSO
  9. Standard overbought: AA, CSTR, and QLGC
  10. Toppy here: SNA
  11. A break out in either direction is on the way for: EBAY
  12. Anything here could be off base.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

For the close of Feb. 13, 2008.

  1. YI: -1.5
  2. Trying to bottom out in this area: MPG and SVU
  3. Standard oversold now: MPG
  4. Moderately oversold: KMX and OCR
  5. Trying to hold some rising trend line support: ELN, FTO, GLD, and NEM
  6. Attempting to hold the 28 DMA here: ABX
  7. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: AAPL, BGF, CPB, CSL, EWU, NSM, PHI, the S&P-500, STX, and TSM
  8. Attempting to break above the 28 DMA here: EEM, GF, MKC, PEP, PG, RT, SGP, and the XOI index.
  9. Up against rising trend line resistance: BA and WHR
  10. Moderately overbought now: AAUK, FCX, MSCC, PNRA, and STX
  11. Standard overbought: AVP and PXD
  12. Toppy here: MCD, TSU, and VFC
  13. A break out in either direction is on the way for: TLB
  14. Anything here could be off base.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Based on the close of Feb. 12, 2008.

  1. YI: -2.5
  2. Trying to bottom out: BMY, the DRG index, and RNR
  3. Standard oversold: AIG
  4. Moderately oversold: ERIE
  5. Trying to hold some rising trend line support: MER, NX, and PDS
  6. Trying to hold falling trend line support: MPG
  7. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: ADP, BA, CAT, EEM, MEOH, NOK, PCU, SHI, and X
  8. Attempting to break above the 28 DMA: CAKE, CMI, GIS, KO, and OXY
  9. Up against rising trend line resistance: FRO and XSLV
  10. Moderately overbought: ALEX, GGB, IYM, KUFK, MCD, PLL, and RIO
  11. Standard overbought: CREE, CSL, and VFC
  12. Extremely overbought: CLF
  13. Possible top here for: XPLT
  14. Toppy: PTEN
  15. A break out in either direction is on the way for: SNDK
  16. Sorry for being so late on this update. Anything here could be off base.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

T.A. work for the close of Feb. 11, 2008.

  1. YI: -3
  2. Possible bottom here for: EJ, GF, and HMC
  3. Trying to bottom out in this area are: ADP, CPB, EWI, IDA, the IIX index, REDF, UGP, and WY
  4. Standard oversold at this point: The DRG index and JNJ
  5. Moderately oversold now: CBK, HON, and PNRA
  6. Trying to hold some rising trend line support: IFN, NST, and TLB
  7. Attempting to hold the 28 DMA here: ARM and BAC
  8. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: AA, AAUK, AMAT, ASA, FTO, FXY, MCD, PXD, SMTC, SUN, and WDC
  9. Attempting to break above the 28 DMA here: TASR
  10. Up against rising trend line resistance: AEM, GLD, QLGC, and XMSR
  11. Moderately overbought now: QCOM
  12. Anything here could be off base.

Monday, February 11, 2008

(QQQQ) is trying to bottom out in this area.

T.A. work based on the close of Feb. 8, 2008.

  1. YI: -3.5
  2. Possible bottom here for: MRVL
  3. Trying to bottom out in this area: EWD, EWU, HMC, QQQQ, RGLD, TZOO, and UN
  4. Moderately oversold now: BGF, BHP, DVY, IBM, LMT, and MMC
  5. Trying to hold some rising trend line support: CSL, EBAY, and PG
  6. Trying to hold falling trend line support: UGP
  7. Attempting to hold the 28 DMA here: EXP, FXY, and TSU
  8. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: CSTR, FCX, FXC, MFE, PDS, TOT, and WSO
  9. Attempting to break above the 28 DMA here: ENER, ERF, LUFK, OCR, and STX
  10. Up against rising trend line resistance: JCP
  11. Moderately overbought now: PTEN and TICC
  12. Toppy here: AVP
  13. Anything here could be off base.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Rest of the work based on EOD Feb. 7, 2008.

  1. Trying to bottom out in this area: MRVL, the OEX index, PAYX, PTR, ROK, SMTC, the S&P-500, and SUN
  2. Extremely oversold: NSM and TZOO
  3. Standard oversold: OXY, REDF, RGLD, STP, and the XOI index.
  4. Moderately oversold: MER, MFE, NOK, NST, OKE, PCU, RMBS, RNR, TASR, TTH, UGP, WY, X, XLF, XLU, and YUM
  5. Trying to hold falling trend line support: MEOH, MSCC, RNR, RYL, TCK, and WDC
  6. Attempting to hold the 28 DMA: KEY, RYL, TCK, and WDC
  7. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: LUFK, PG, SKS, and SNE
  8. Attempting to break above the 28 DMA: MCD
  9. Up against rising trend line resistance: VFC
  10. Anything here could be off base.

For EOD Feb. 7, 2008

  1. YI: -3.5
  2. Trying to bottom out here: AAPL, ADP, AMD, CAKE, the DJ-30, EWA, GE, and IRF
  3. Standard oversold now: CY and EWU
  4. Moderately oversold: AIG, AMAT, AMTD, BA, C, EEM, EWJ, FCX, GT, HMC, IDU, IFN, the IIX index, IWM, IYM, and JOSB
  5. Trying to hold some rising trend line support: CSL, DFG, ERIE, FBR, and GIS
  6. Trying to hold falling trend line support: ACF, BHP, and HIT
  7. Attempting to hold the 28 DMA here: ACAS, ALD, ERF, EXP, GLW, and HON
  8. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: CY
  9. More later if I have the time. Anything here could be off base.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Here are the "leftovers" I could not post earlier today.

  1. Moderately oversold: VXO
  2. Trying to hold some rising trendline support: X and XSLV
  3. Trying to hold falling trendline support: WB and WTS
  4. Attempting to hold the 28 DMA here: TICC and TSM
  5. Toppy: WDC and WHR
  6. Anything here could be off base.

For EOD Feb. 6, 2008

  1. YI: -4
  2. Possible bottom here for: GFI
  3. Trying to bottom out in this area: MOT and MPG
  4. Standard oversold: EJ, EWD, EWI, and EWP
  5. Moderately oversold now: AXP, the DJ-30, GE, GF, the OEX index, and PEG
  6. Trying to hold some rising trend line support: FTO, LEN, and SKS
  7. Trying to hold falling trend line support: AA, the DRG index, EWA, LUFK, PEP, and SMTC
  8. Attempting to hold the 28 DMA here: ASA, the BKX index, CAT, CBK, CORS, GM, KMX, LOW, PHI, and PLL
  9. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: AVP and KFT
  10. Toppy here: NLY
  11. A break out in either direction is on the way for: PLT
  12. More later if I have the time. Anything here could be off base.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

For EOD Feb. 5, 2008

  1. YI: -3.5
  2. Trying to bottom out: NWL
  3. Extremely oversold: GOOG
  4. Moderately oversold: NEM
  5. Trying to hold some rising trend line support: FXY, GGB, IWM, RIO, and XLU
  6. Attempting to hold the 28 DMA here: ABX, AEM, GLD, and NYB
  7. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: ALD and STX
  8. Attempting to break above the 28 DMA: WOR
  9. Moderately overbought now: AVP and ERF
  10. More later. Anything here could be off base.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Based on EOD Feb. 4, 2008

  1. YI: -1
  2. Standard oversold: GFI
  3. Trying to hold some rising trend line support: GLD, UN, and the VXO
  4. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: AAUK, BPOP, DFG, EWJ, FTO, JNJ, LUFK, MCD, MER, NOK, the OEX index, PCU, SNDK, STMP, SYY, TKR, and TSM
  5. Attempting to break above the 28 DMA here: ACH, EBAY, EEM, EWA, EWD, EWI, EWU, GF, GGB, GIS, IDU, IRF, PTR, PXD, the S&P-500, SVU, UGP, and XLU
  6. Up against rising trend line resistance: WDC
  7. Moderately overbought now: AA, AAUK, AMAT, AMD, BHP, CSL, IYM, MEOH, MFE, PBY, PLL, RIO, RNR, WIRE, and XMSR
  8. Standard overbought: ARM, CLF, CORS, HON, NSC, PDS, SNA, and TZOO
  9. Toppy here: ACAS, BAC, GLW, GPC, JWN, KEY, QLGC, TSU, and WTS
  10. Anything here could be off base.

Monday, February 4, 2008

What could be more "mentally challenged" than this, and do I need to explain why?

If there really are "aliens" out there, they must be laughing their heads off at just how "retarded" we truly are as a species... Click on the link above.

(EJ) is trying to bottom out.

Based on EOD Feb. 1, 2008

  1. YI: 0
  2. Trying to bottom out now: EJ and KFT
  3. Moderately oversold: NWL and RGLD
  4. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: AIG, AMTD, BGF, CAT, ELY, ERIE, IDA, JOSB, LEN, LMT, PTEN, WB, WHR, and XLF
  5. Attempting to break above the 28 DMA here: ADP, EWJ, FCX, the IIX index, NAT, PEG, RT, T, and TASR
  6. Up against rising trend line resistance: CLF
  7. Moderately overbought now: ASA, BKC, DVY, EXP, PNRA, PTEN, RMBS, TKR, TSM, TSU, and WSO
  8. Standard overbought now: HIT, JCP, JWN, KMX, NX, NYB, PHI, QCOM, and SEE
  9. Possible top here for: XSLV
  10. A break out in either direction is on the way for: SOLF
  11. Anything here could be off base.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Based on EOD Jan. 31, 2008

  1. YI: -1.5
  2. Trying to bottom out here: The DRG index.
  3. Attempting to hold the 28 DMA: ALD
  4. Trying to break above some falling trend line resistance: BA
  5. Attempting to break above the 28 DMA here: AAUK, ALEX, AMTD, and the DJ-30.
  6. Up against rising trend line resistance: BKC and ELN
  7. Moderately overbought now: ACAS
  8. Standard overbought: The BKX index.
  9. More later. Anything here could be off base.