Monday, July 24, 2017

MU July 24, 2017.

  1. Yi: +13.2
  2. GPC is average overbought.
  3. HD is moderately oversold.
  4. BAC, CAT and IYJ are trying to hold rising trend line support.
  5. C, MET and MTH are attempting to hold the 28 DMA.
  6. GBTC is up against the 28 DMA.
  7. ABX and DIS are up against the 65 DMA.
  8. B, CPER, $CRB, CTB, EFV, FNDF and JNJ are moderately overbought.
  9. $DJW, $FXT and GILD are average overbought.
  10. CLF, EWI, IWM and MBI are toppy here.
  11. AMAT, KLIC and MDY are possibly forming a top in this area.
  12. LEN and MCD are setting up to break out either up or down.
  13. Anything posted may be off base.

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