Tuesday, September 27, 2011

TA for the open of September 27, 2011.

  1. Yi: +0.2, +1
  2. Trying to bottom out: $CRB, $DJW, $DJX, $GASO, $HGX, $SILVER, $WTIC, ACAS, CREE, GLD, HOGS, NAT, NTES, RJA, RJI, RJZ, SFD, TAN, TSL, UGA
  3. Oversold: $CRB, $GASO, $PLAT, $SILVER, $WTIC, PHI, SLV
  4. Moderately oversold: $GOLD and SLW
  5. Attempting to hold the 28 DMA here: $GOLD-weekly
  6. Up against rising trendline resistance: MED
  7. Up against the 28 day: EWI
  8. Up against falling trendline resistance: BA, BAC, DELL, EWA, EWJ, GF, HCBK, RAIL
  9. Up against the 65 day: AVAV, ELN, WFC
  10. Moderately overbought: USB and V
  11. A bit toppy here: $USD
  12. Anything posted here may be off base.

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