Monday, August 23, 2010


(This is from a note to one of my Facebook friends who was putting down union pensions.)
I have not studied this S**, so are you saying this is totally the fault of the unions, and management had nothing to do with it?
For those who do not know, just let me remind you that it is because of UNIONS not management, that a lot of us have or are supposed to have a 40 hour work week, and two days off on the weekend instead of one. Management in this country has traditionally done almost NOTHING out of the goodness of their hearts, and most benefits that many people take for granted today had to be fought over, sometimes to the point of death and putting people in jail! So this "anti-union" stuff is getting quite old now, especially since unionism in this country is at a low point, and we now need MORE good union jobs for the workers, not less. I have had both union and non-union jobs in my lifetime, and believe me, there is no comparison! Even a weak union is better than none unless you're the boss or one of their "pets". I say thank god for all the union workers who suffered greatly in the past, so more people could have better working conditions today.

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